
Add Advanced Tracking Capabilities to Your Toddle Apps

Allows you to load Google Tag Manager and track dataLayer events using custom actions.

Data Layer Demo

Event Name Event Properties


Google Tag Manager

  • gtm_load

    Loads the Google Tag Manager Base script onto your page


    containerId Example: GTM-5L38SF3
  • dataLayer_event

    Fires a data layer event that can be used by Google Tag Manager.


    eventName Example: userSignUp
    eventProperties Pass in an object of event properties you want to add to the event.


  • meta_load

    Adds the base Meta pixel to your pages.

    If you're installing Meta through Google Tag Manager do not load meta using this action.


    pixelIds Commas separated list of IDs to load. EX: 123,abc
  • meta_event

    Sends an event to Meta

    You can use this to send events even if Meta is loaded through Google Tag Manager.


    eventName Example: userSignUp
    eventProperties Pass in an object of event properties you want to add to the event.


  • openpanel_load

    Adds the base Openpanel script to your pages.

    If you're installing Openpanel through Google Tag Manager do not load Openpanel using this action.


    clientId Enter your Openpanel Client ID
  • openpanel_event

    Sends and even to Openpanel

    You can use this to send events event if Openpanel is loaded through Google Tag Manager.


    eventName Example: userSignUp
    eventProperties Pass in an object of event properties you want to add to the event.


  • posthog_load

    Adds the base Posthog script to your pages.

    If you're installing Posthog through Google Tag Manager do not load Posthog using this action.


    region Default: "us" // "eu"
    key The API Key for your Posthog account EX: phc-1234567890...
    personProfiles Default: "always" // "identified_only". Leave blank for always. Always will track anonymous visitors. Identified Only will not track anonymous visitors.
  • posthog_event

    Sends and event to Posthog

    You can use this to send events even if Posthog is loaded through Google Tag Manager.


    eventName Example: userSignUp
    eventProperties Pass in an object of event properties you want to add to the event.
    setProps Pass in an object of person properties you want to associate with the visitor. Using set replaces any property value that may have been set on a person profile and is typically used for properties that may change over time – e.g., email, current plan, organization name.
    setOnceProps Pass in an object of person properties you want to associate with the visitor. set_once only sets the property if it has never been set before and is typically only used for information that is guaranteed to never change – e.g., the first URL a user visited, or the date a user first logged in.
  • posthog_identify

    Identify a visitor in Posthog

    You can use this to send events even if Openpanel is loaded through Google Tag Manager.


    distinctId Example:
    personProperties Pass in an object of person properties you want to add to associate with the visitor